Friday, December 16, 2011

The New York City Subway Rider

Hey all, it's been a long time but I'm still here. Good to be back, although I'm not sure if in full capacity or limited, ha!

Well, this first blog post, in over a month, is more of a rant.

New Yorkers are know for being many things. We're tough, obnoxious, loud and we're always saying "Hey", "Yo!", "You feel me, Dawg?" and "What's up with that?" Actually, that last one is mine! Anyway, I think You get what I'm saying. I hope! However, today, I want to concentrate on one type of New Yorker; the NYC subway rider.

I'm a subway rider and some of things I have seen are 1) entertaining, but 2) annoying. The occasional dance group that comes on and performs is enjoyable to watch, but sometimes other performers come on and make more noise than is really wanted. Yes, I'm talking about you Spanish guitarists who come on and start singing. We may speak the same language but hearing you in the morning is so annoying that I don't want to deal with it and every other rider feels the same way. There are different pairs of you musicians, I know this for a fact because I've paid attention at times, but all of you seem to play the same song! Okay, you did play a Christmas song once, but enough already!

Luckily my ear-buds have been able to provide relief, but sometimes not. My music can only cover so much. Honestly, I'd rather torture myself with my own music because at least I have control over when to stop or start. When you guitarists come on it's a whole different story, I'm afraid.

What else is annoying about an NYC subway rider? Those that eat on the train. Now, I'm not talking about a small snack because I sometimes do that, but those that bring their whole KFC or Chinese food meals on and start eating. I mean, seriously! You can't wait to get to your final destination, be it home or office, to eat your food? Why must you sit there and eat surrounded by other people that may have not eaten yet or are disgusted by hearing the sounds of your teeth chewing. First of all, you're in a narrow subway car, people are all around you and you still come on and bring your food that already smells good. So, you're making the whole car smell like your food. YOU ASSHOLE! What if I hadn't eaten anything yet, or what you have smell and looks better then what I ate? You are so annoying! Sometimes I feel like saying, are you gong to share that with everyone in this car because you're making everyone else smell your food already? AND, I know for a fact that you will be the low-life scumbag that will leave that empty container under the seat after you're done.

Okay, not every person who I see eating on the train does that. BUT, I know some of them do!

Oh, and what about the subway rider who sits but doesn't lean all the way back into the seat? Mr. Hunched-over-in-his-seat. I'm going to say that not all of these types of riders are bad. No. Most sit this way and stay that why. I'm talking about the type that sits this way and shifts between leaning back in the seat and then hunches over again. You sir are the biggest douchebag. And you have the gall to get angry or make faces when people try to sit in the space next to you. Why? There's a seat next to you, but you sit in such a way that your body is slouching into the next seat. They're going to touch you, brush up against you or shove their way into that seat! That other person is entitled to a seat. It's not his or her fault that you cannot sit straight in yours. OH, and then, when you're in your hunched over position and people are sitting on either side of you; I don't know what possessed you to do this, but why would you start stretching your arms out in odd angles?

I'm sitting across from this asshole of a rider and all I can think is what an ass you are. The whole time I'm laughing in my head at how dumb, arrogant and inconsiderate you are. The woman sitting next to you, I know, felt the same way. Every time you did your stretch, she looked at you with eyes that said what the hell are you doing and can you stop that you jerk? 

But you know who is more annoying? You obnoxious, loud, immature public high schoolers, that's who! Again, not all high school kids fall under this category, but those of you who have gotten on a train between 2:30 and 3:30 in the afternoon know who I'm talking about. Never was there a time where I wanted absolute peace then when public high schools unchained the doors and reckless abandonment was set free. Well, enough about that.

Well, that's it for now. We New Yorkers put up with a lot, but sometimes I think it isn't necessary or wanted. Although, other times, it's great being an observer because I wouldn't have stuff to say or rant about!

Until next time! Stay Safe!

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