Thursday, October 14, 2010

NYAF: Hangry & Angry - Ishikawa (Angry) Rika -- UPDATED 10/21/10

Hey Y'all,
Sorry I hadn't posted anything in the last few days. It had been pretty busy for me, but I'm back to continue with my report from this year's New York Anime Festival.

As I had mentioned in my previous post, there were a lot of things to see, take pics and vids of, and buy. (If the money was there to spend!) Of course, my reason for going to NYAF this year fell down to one name.

Hangry & Angry, and especially - Ishikawa Rika!

I've been a huge fan of Morning Musume for several years and remembered when Yoshizawa Hitomi (Hangry) and Ishikawa Rika (Angry) first joined the group along with the other fourth generation members.

When they graduated from Morning Musume and came together to form the Hangry & Angry, I was thrilled and amazed to see how they had changed.

I always dreamed of the opportunity to actually meet some of the members of Morning Musume, so when I heard that Hangry & Angry were attending NYAF I was excited. The only drawback was that Angry was only going to be there and not Hangry. It would have been an even greater NYAF exclusive if both members came, but knowing Angry would be there was enough for me.

So, I arrive at 11am to catch the Hangry & Angry fashion show.

The music was addicting and the fashion pieces were unique and stylish. Gashicon, the designer behind Hangry & Angry, is shy by nature but her fashion designs truly reveal a creative blend of punk, rock and the grotesque yet cute and original.  


The hall was crowded with people, but everyone enjoyed the show!

Next came Angry's Spotlight Panel.

The one thing I'm always amazed by at these conventions is how complete strangers can come together and show complete joy and excitement for a single purpose, or in this case a single person!

There were more people behind this group, but these were the lucky ones who found themselves in the front right before Angry's panel. Peace signs all around!

                                          This is such a great picture!

                                            Another great shot!

It was great to see Angry Ishikawa in person. I felt like I was meeting someone who was part of group that I enjoyed to watch in comedic sketches and music videos.

After her panel I got the opportunity to greet her and get an autograph, which was the highlight of the day for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures or video during her autograph session. DAMN!

During the day, I stopped by the Hangry & Angry booth in hopes of finding "Angry" Ishikawa there, but no such luck. Instead, I did get an opportunity to meet and take a picture of H&A designer, Gashicon!

                                                  Peace from Gashicon!

By the end of the day I didn't get a personal picture taken with "Angry" Ishikawa, but I got to see her and that was okay in my book. She autographed my Hangry & Angry album CD, and I even got to photograph Gashicon.

All was okay with the world, Ha! It was a fun day.

Stay tuned, my next post will be on some of the things I got at the convention.

Until then, stay well!

Updated Youtube Clip

Below is a link to a clip I recorded during "Angry" Ishikawa's panel. Follow the link to my Youtube channel for more.

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