Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Calm Before Irene!

Hey people!

How are ya? As most of you know out there, Hurricane Irene is moving up the north east as I write this post. I live in New York City, and we are not expecting Irene until tomorrow morning (Sunday).

We should be expecting stronger winds and heavy rain starting later this evening. Every news channel and meteorologist is painting this storm to have a major destructive impact on the city. So far the hurricane is still a category 1 and winds exceed 80 mph. That's still pretty serious. With tall skyscrapers, the wind will most likely reach higher then 80 mph.

The mayor has order evacuations of certain parts of the city in anticipation of flooding. On top of that, there is also a possible risk of power and water loss. So, people are preparing and stocking up on provisions as they should. However, there are those that are taking this advisory too seriously and buying goods as if they were preparing to take shelter in a bunker for a month!

Come on people! Think more reasonably. I mean, yeah, this storm is a real threat for the fact that we are not used to, or know how to prepare, for natural threats/disasters if they were to strike. I mean, we all freaked when that earthquake from Virginia reached us here in NYC and further up the coast. Sure, the west coast laughed at us for how we reacted, but how else were we supposed to react? Stuff like this doesn't happen here!

The mayor has also suspended train and bus service until possibly Monday! WOW! No mass transit at all. that is a first. But Bloomberg is over-compensating for that fact that he screwed up in January when we were buried in several feet of snow. To some degree it is understandable, but sometimes I feel like we are going way overboard. The other thing is the fact that the news media keeps "reporting" or how I view it "hyping" this situation to the point that people begin to believe that Irene will be far worse then what is expected. Mayor Bloomberg keeps having news conferences every hour, practically, and it doesn't really add anything to the situation. It's still the same. Irene is coming and nothings going to stop it. Maybe I'm being too optimistic in thinking that this will get here and things will be fine after, but who knows now!

I'll be fine, rest assured. I live near one of those "zones" but there is no need to evacuate my entire neighborhood. I'll keep you posted on how things go or change. I will hopefully have some pictures after and I'll try to put some video up on my youtube channel and link them here.

So, stay safe or I hope you are doing fine, if you live in the north east! Post comments and thoughts and this storm and the situation.

Take care people. Until next time!

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