Sunday, November 7, 2010

Contest and Short Story Submissions


It's been a few days since my last post. I apologize for that. It's been a little busy with life's random acts and situations. You know what I mean; we have to take care of ourselves first before anything else.

Anyway, I submitted a short story to a zombie anthology about two months ago, and I recently received my rejection letter from them. Ahhh. I shot and I missed, Ha! However, it wasn't all bad. From the explanation I received, my entry seemed to be a potential contender, but the stiffer competition forced it out of contention.

A nice piece of criticism from the editor was that he wanted my main character to be "more bad ass". It's true that I wrote about a female lead whose moral sense of obligation during a particular situation forced her to be pro-active; however, it seemed that I should've made her more so.

Either way, I was glad to know that it was well received and a likely candidate.

On to other news, I've been entering AMC's The Walking Dead "Be A Zombie" contest. This is the second week that I have entered, and I hope to win a walk-on role as a zombie on the show. Wish me luck!

This weekend's episode was also really good! Moral/social integrity, the human condition, and inventive forms of zombie camouflage, I love it!

Well, that's it for now, but I'll be back soon!
Until then

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