Sunday, November 14, 2010

Freschetta Pizza!

So I ate a Freschetta Pizza the other day, and I must say that it was quite good. I love pizza, and who doesn't, but I'm usually picky about what kind frozen pizza I eat. I usually tend to stick with a certain brand because they are either cheap or well made.

I'm the type that is willing to try new things once to see if they are worthy of being added to my list of preferred purchasable products, and I must say that it is a new welcomed choice. I have to thank my Sis for introducing me to this frozen delight!

Of course, I still prefer to just buy freshly made slices at the corner pizzeria, but Freschetta does make a nice alternative when you don't want to head or settle for Dominoes.

On the box it says that the crust will rise after it is baked. They are not kidding! When done it was almost twice its own size. I had the pepperoni version, so it had an extra meaty taste.

Total time to bake was about 30 to 40 minutes. It preheated my oven to 400 degrees and placed the medium sized pie in, and after 20 to 25 minutes - presto! It was done.

At first the crust got so thick in the oven that I thought it looked like one of those pasta bread bowls from Dominoes. It's a decent size and the cheese and pepperoni were tasty, so I can't complain. Well, it is hot coming right out of the oven, so give it some time to cool or you'll burn your mouth.

Until next time!

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