Thursday, November 11, 2010

Radiator, Where's the Heat?

This is really a two part rant. Most of you out there know or will know what I'm talking about, but read on anyway! It could provide you with a sense of comfort to know that you are not alone, or at least give you a laugh.

I meant to rant about the lack of heat in my building that happens at night from time to time. Why at night? I can't say. Maybe the super thinks that he'll save money by keeping it off at night?

But why at night? Why not during the day? Does he figure that people don't need heat at night because they are asleep? I don't know. I just think it's really annoying to wake up in the morning to a freezing room. Your whole body is shivering from sleeping in that ice cave and then to walk around like that is frustrating. The bed sheets that you reach for to comfort and warm you are ice cold, and all you can do in the most extreme cases is roll up into the fetal position and try to sleep that way.

Bare with me, I meant to talk about this here a couple of days ago, but I started getting the first symptoms of my cold back then. I wouldn't be surprised if it was because I slept that night in the cold!

                                                                 Ye old heat provider.

Man, I get really angry when things like this happen during the winter. There are times that just want to kick the crap out of that radiator, but I know that it isn't its fault.

But, you know what I hate more than no heat? You guys and gals out there should know what comes next - pretty obvious! IT'S NO "DAMN" HOT WATER!

How can a building not have hot water for its tenants in the morning or during the day? It's unthinkable; it makes me want to scream! This one happens quite often in my building as far as I could tell, and it got to the point that I thought the super was being a real asshole. I just couldn't explain why there were so many times that the hot water would stop running. And, during the winter, it's imperative that we use use hot water.

I don't know about you, but showering in cold water during winter is a definite NO WAY! I have had to resort to jumping into cold water because I had no another alternative. I've boiled water, yes, but when you are running late then you have to bite your tongue and deal with it. AND, I DON"T CARE HOW TOUGH you think you are after that. It's still not fun, or pleasant or a walk in the park.

Okay that's that! Enough of me bitching. Stay tuned because new post materials coming soon!

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