Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Feel a Cold Coming...

In reality I should say that I have a cold. It hit me quite suddenly like a ninja attack from out of the shadows, Ha! Anyway, I had all the symptoms: sneezing, running nose and a light achy throat.

Oh, and did I mention the coughing?

If I didn't, well yeah! I had that too! It was quite a miserable day and a half to say the least. And, I still don't know how I'll wake up tomorrow. Between drinking lots of fluids and taking Nyquil, I have to say that I am surviving this attack on my body.

It is a slow process as most of you know, and it can be very taxing on your patience! Believe me, sneezing every two minutes, and either drying or blowing your nose every time you feel that trickle in you nose -- IS ANNOYING!

And embarrassing.

However, not all is lost. It is quite amazing what you can do when you are running on 50%. Well, actually, there's nothing you can do because you're sick! But, I did try something interesting today. I made ramen soup for dinner. I used the instant ramen noodles from the packets and some creative additives that I had at home to brew my first homemade Ramen dish.

It wasn't what I was hoping for, but it was still a courageous attempt! My first try at making a broth for the soup was a disappointment, but luckily the ground beef and Vienna sausages I added gave it an extra filling taste.

I've been experimenting a lot with cooking food this past week; it's a trail and error learning process. Maybe I'll talk a little more about my cooking exploits in another post.

Well, I venture ahead to complete recovery.
Until then - take care of yourself, and don't get sick!   

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