Sunday, November 14, 2010

Humans! a Zombie Board Game.

I wanted to post this up after I placed my review of The Walking Dead, but things change and I am now finally putting it up.

Anyway, back a Zombithon I had some friends over and our intention was to spend the day watching movies from my zombie collection. As it turned out one of my friends suggested playing a zombie board game he had seen. It was a great idea to compliment the whole theme of our little (and long overdue) get together.

My friend went down to Forbidden Planet around 14th street in Manhattan to purchase the game, but instead came back with the alternative "Humans!" game. The original game he set out to buy was called (not surprisingly) "Zombies!"

The difference - In "Zombies!" your objective is to kill as many zombies where as in "Humans!" the goal is to infect as many humans.

                            My friends, Dan(left) and Jose(right) as we prepare for massive consumption.

As I mentioned before the goal is to capture ten humans to win the game. The layout is constructed by individual tile pieces. Each player draws a random tile and places it in any way he or she desires. You can have a layout with loops, straights, dead ends, its all up to the player's discretion.

Most of the tiles have building information and how many human characters are present on that tile.

Each player picks a particular type of zombie from five or six different types by drawing a random card. The card has specific details concerning the number of move counts, attack requirements and special moves. During each turn, the players take tiles and determine the layout. The player then tries to capture and infect humans while the other player(s) try to intervene by arming the humans with weapons, changing the placement of humans, adding field effects that alter the game play via cards.

The actual capturing, infecting and even battle damage is determined by meeting certain requirements by dice roll. The game is very intuitive as it takes into account many possible situations and conditions that could happen during a zombie attack. Just battling and taking damage is an adventure that is as random as the dice rolling box cars.

This game was truly a lot of fun and very competitive. My friends and I spent a few hours bash talking and plotting out each others downfall! Well, Most of that time was spent familiarizing ourselves with the mechanics and game play, but once that was cleared it was a fun afternoon.

Dan may look like he's eating Reese's pieces, but he is actually counting "do over" chips.
Jose is carefully watching as the playing field takes shape!

Creative minds coming together to out do each other. What a blast! Zombithon was well over due, and I am glad that I finally decided to host it again this year.

                                                       Even Nemesis came by to watch!

There I am deep in concentration before I make my next move. Well not really, I'm just chillin' and watching the game play out!

Yes sir, it was a great day and we had a lot of fun. As always being among good long-time friends is a great way to enjoy a memorable day of jokes, TV shows and games.

Thanks Guys!

Until next time.

Links to actual game play footage below! Go to my Youtube page for more.

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