Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Semester's End and Upcoming Holidays

Hey, All,

It's been a while, and I apologize for my absence. This is strange; I'm apologizing to an audience that I don't know even exists. I might as well just apologize to myself for being away from my own blog, Ha!

Anyway, as November comes to an end I find myself trying to put the finishing touches on my last packet of work for grad school. Most of my work is pretty much complete, but I want to work on a few additional stories and annotations that I may want to include. But, I don't know if I will.

That's the struggle of a student who is trying to reach goals that seem to change every day! I'm sure that I'll make a decision soon on what I will complete, but I'll enjoy the ride during that time.

Thanksgiving is two days away and I'm looking forward to the feast that will be prepared. I'm going to try to assist in the preparation, but I don't know what I'll contribute yet. Either way, being with my family and sharing in the good times is all that matters, and of course the food! Once that is over, Christmas and New Years is right around the corner. It feels like a left followed by a right hook :)

Well, that's all for now. First blu ray and game reviews coming soon! So be on the lookout for that.

Until then.

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