And the posts just keep coming. I tell you that it'll keep on getting more random because it's what I want to put up.
I just realized that I could have put this as part of my last post. Oh well, that's my mistake.
Anyway, this is what I have left to look through! I know I won't get through each and every movie in my collection, but I'll give it my best shot.
As you can see, I have a pretty decent number of films in my collection. I'm sure that it'll continue to grow as I come across other worthy entries.
The bottom line is, no one can call themselves a zombie fan unless they watch and/or own these fine (in some cases, not so fine) films.
I also noticed that there was one movie I forgot to include in the picture, Zombie 3. Yeah, that one is fun to watch and not take seriously because nothing in that film makes sense.
I shall go more into detail about these films in a YouTube v-blog very soon, so look forward to that! I will also post a short entry based on that v-blog here, and a post on my favorite zombie movie. There's so much to say and so little time and space, but I'll find a moment.
Until then enjoy your Halloween and don't become zombie food! Ha!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Zombie Movie Marathon
So this is my 21st post. Hopefully they'll keep on coming!
Several posts back I mentioned having a week long marathon of my favorite zombie movies. Well, I thought I'd give you a little peek at what I watched already.
I started with Zombie 2 and left off with the 1990 remake of George Romero's Night of the Living Dead. It's a great start, and there are still a lot of another movies in my collection that I want to get through.
Halloween is tomorrow, and I'll definitely watch my favorite zombie movie before the premier of The Walking Dead.
Good times ahead.
Until then, I'll keep shambling away.
Several posts back I mentioned having a week long marathon of my favorite zombie movies. Well, I thought I'd give you a little peek at what I watched already.
I started with Zombie 2 and left off with the 1990 remake of George Romero's Night of the Living Dead. It's a great start, and there are still a lot of another movies in my collection that I want to get through.
Halloween is tomorrow, and I'll definitely watch my favorite zombie movie before the premier of The Walking Dead.
Good times ahead.
Until then, I'll keep shambling away.
Saturday Randomness
Well, it's Saturday and I went briefly this morning to take care of an errand. I was dressed in jeans, a hooded sweater, a scarf and a jacket. Even with these protective precautions, the cold morning air was a little prickly to say the least!
One thing I could appreciate was bright blue skies, people out and about, and the traffic around my neighborhood. And, the exercise!
Yes,sir! Between my home and where I needed to go it was a good it was a good eight blocks. So, that's about sixteen blocks total.
I bought myself a nice breakfast after I took care of my errand. A Dunkin' Donuts' breakfast sandwich and an orange coolatta.
Tasty and refreshing for a Saturday morning!
Oh, on another note. This is my twentieth post, amazing! I didn't think I would make it this far, but I proved myself wrong.
Anyway, stay tuned because more posts are coming later today!
Until then, enjoy your Saturday!
One thing I could appreciate was bright blue skies, people out and about, and the traffic around my neighborhood. And, the exercise!
Yes,sir! Between my home and where I needed to go it was a good it was a good eight blocks. So, that's about sixteen blocks total.
I bought myself a nice breakfast after I took care of my errand. A Dunkin' Donuts' breakfast sandwich and an orange coolatta.
Tasty and refreshing for a Saturday morning!
Oh, on another note. This is my twentieth post, amazing! I didn't think I would make it this far, but I proved myself wrong.
Anyway, stay tuned because more posts are coming later today!
Until then, enjoy your Saturday!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Pen Spinning or Twirling!
Wow, I can't believe that I have almost reached twenty posts on my blog!
I was looking through my Youtube page when I noticed that another Youtuber, I subscribe to, had posted a new video. The title was enough to catch my attention. Of course, some of you might just think of me as being more weird for finding this interesting.
To that I say: You Will Be Amazed and Intrigued Too!
The video was filled with Japanese students and adults who are proficient pen spinners or twirlers. A while back, I had been interested in this skill, but grew impatient every time the pen fell out of my hand.
After watching this video and observing the skill and different methods of pen twirling, it's correct to assume that my interest has been piqued again. I am so fascinated by how easy it looks and I want to give it another shot.
Well, enough of me yapping about it. Just watch the clip yourself!
Credit to The Japan Channel for posting this up on his YouTube channel.
Oh Japan and Japanese people! You continue to fascinate me with your quirks and inventions. One day I will visit you!
Until then, ja ne
I was looking through my Youtube page when I noticed that another Youtuber, I subscribe to, had posted a new video. The title was enough to catch my attention. Of course, some of you might just think of me as being more weird for finding this interesting.
To that I say: You Will Be Amazed and Intrigued Too!
The video was filled with Japanese students and adults who are proficient pen spinners or twirlers. A while back, I had been interested in this skill, but grew impatient every time the pen fell out of my hand.
After watching this video and observing the skill and different methods of pen twirling, it's correct to assume that my interest has been piqued again. I am so fascinated by how easy it looks and I want to give it another shot.
Well, enough of me yapping about it. Just watch the clip yourself!
Credit to The Japan Channel for posting this up on his YouTube channel.
Oh Japan and Japanese people! You continue to fascinate me with your quirks and inventions. One day I will visit you!
Until then, ja ne
Advice I Guess or Perhaps...
I debated whether or not to talk about this, and decided to go ahead. Like I mentioned before this blog will be filled with random thoughts and things I come across. Some will be straight forward, while others pertain to the awkward moments or questions of life.
This will be a response to one of those random questions.
Recently, someone I know asked the question, "How do you mend a broken heart?" My interest was piqued because I heard various remedies throughout my years as I'm sure most people have. Sure enough, this person had some of those answers and a few unique ones.
This person always has a good sense of humor.
I guess my question would be, "Who broke it?" Now this is getting into an area where the response could touch on anything. It's far to large to discuss, and I, honestly, don't want to here because it's not the point of this post.
In the past, I have been able to look past something like this. I would just wait it out and let time continue to tick away in hopes for something better. Now, I sometimes think about whether I made the right choices throughout my life. I tend to think too much, so that isn't a good tactic.
And, I also think (there I go again!) waiting or letting too much time go by can't bring you the "healing" that you are looking for. Then again, maybe it does. Everybody functions and reasons differently. So, to each there own.
I will say this: How do you mend a broken heart?
You let someone/everyone help you to pick up the pieces. You do everything that you want! Even if it means being somewhere else to do it, then do so!
A little slice of life; although, you (like most people) already know this, but it's always good to hear someone else say it to.
That was longer than it should have been, but it was one of my circulating thoughts.
This will be a response to one of those random questions.
Recently, someone I know asked the question, "How do you mend a broken heart?" My interest was piqued because I heard various remedies throughout my years as I'm sure most people have. Sure enough, this person had some of those answers and a few unique ones.
This person always has a good sense of humor.
I guess my question would be, "Who broke it?" Now this is getting into an area where the response could touch on anything. It's far to large to discuss, and I, honestly, don't want to here because it's not the point of this post.
In the past, I have been able to look past something like this. I would just wait it out and let time continue to tick away in hopes for something better. Now, I sometimes think about whether I made the right choices throughout my life. I tend to think too much, so that isn't a good tactic.
And, I also think (there I go again!) waiting or letting too much time go by can't bring you the "healing" that you are looking for. Then again, maybe it does. Everybody functions and reasons differently. So, to each there own.
I will say this: How do you mend a broken heart?
You let someone/everyone help you to pick up the pieces. You do everything that you want! Even if it means being somewhere else to do it, then do so!
A little slice of life; although, you (like most people) already know this, but it's always good to hear someone else say it to.
That was longer than it should have been, but it was one of my circulating thoughts.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Squirrel Fu and the Art of Vicious Rodent
This has to be the strangest post that I will put up, but after further thought many of my posts are or will be strange!
So what is Squirrel Fu and the Art of Vicious Rodent? Come on, you can't figure that one out on your own? Doesn't the picture on the left clue you in to what that is?
Yeah, I guess my thoughts were also left to wander when I first heard "Squirrel Fu". I mean I didn't know just how vicious these rodents were until I saw a squirrel thrashing around in the grass.
Let me tell you!
That squirrel was on hyper turbo mode. I didn't know whether he was fighting with himself or trying to rip the leaves on the grass. But, it was quite a sight!
These rodents are vicious and wild when they become confrontational. They fight with raw, gritty and savage instinct. As the picture above clearly indicates, they are tooth and nail in your face.
This picture is hilarious! To the right we have evidence that even squirrels will resort to the use of lightsabers.
I wonder what kind of control do they have over the force? Their wild nature most allow for frequent bursts of immeasurable power.
I mean, I'm talking over 9000!
Some of you out there might know what I'm referencing.
In general, I believe that all rodents are vicious animals that will defend and/or retaliate against aggressors who invade their territory or take their food. However, it is the nature or way that they engage in combat that I find to be intriguing because it is formless, yet direct and efficient.
For such small mammals, squirrels display an intense and artful combination of fighting that can equal or rival most martial arts. The picture below should clearly be evidence of that.
There is something both dynamic and brutal about this picture. I found this picture a long time ago and thought it was all the rage, so it was great when I rediscovered it. I remember thinking that it had to be a digitally enhanced picture, but it looks real.
A shot captured at the moment of an extreme encounter! I would go as far as to say that this picture alone demonstrates poetry in extreme motion.
That's my take. What do you guys think?
And, if you want video proof check out the link below.
Those are some jumpy squirrels!
Maybe I'll make another post on cat fighters!
Until then, Peace!
So what is Squirrel Fu and the Art of Vicious Rodent? Come on, you can't figure that one out on your own? Doesn't the picture on the left clue you in to what that is?
Yeah, I guess my thoughts were also left to wander when I first heard "Squirrel Fu". I mean I didn't know just how vicious these rodents were until I saw a squirrel thrashing around in the grass.
Let me tell you!
That squirrel was on hyper turbo mode. I didn't know whether he was fighting with himself or trying to rip the leaves on the grass. But, it was quite a sight!
These rodents are vicious and wild when they become confrontational. They fight with raw, gritty and savage instinct. As the picture above clearly indicates, they are tooth and nail in your face.
This picture is hilarious! To the right we have evidence that even squirrels will resort to the use of lightsabers.
I wonder what kind of control do they have over the force? Their wild nature most allow for frequent bursts of immeasurable power.
I mean, I'm talking over 9000!
Some of you out there might know what I'm referencing.
In general, I believe that all rodents are vicious animals that will defend and/or retaliate against aggressors who invade their territory or take their food. However, it is the nature or way that they engage in combat that I find to be intriguing because it is formless, yet direct and efficient.
For such small mammals, squirrels display an intense and artful combination of fighting that can equal or rival most martial arts. The picture below should clearly be evidence of that.
There is something both dynamic and brutal about this picture. I found this picture a long time ago and thought it was all the rage, so it was great when I rediscovered it. I remember thinking that it had to be a digitally enhanced picture, but it looks real.
A shot captured at the moment of an extreme encounter! I would go as far as to say that this picture alone demonstrates poetry in extreme motion.
That's my take. What do you guys think?
And, if you want video proof check out the link below.
Those are some jumpy squirrels!
Maybe I'll make another post on cat fighters!
Until then, Peace!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Aliens Abduct Us In Skyline
I keep seeing ads for this movie everywhere, and the trailer plays every five minutes on TV. Nothing speaks advertising - to create interest - like "shoving it in your face" until you become tired of it. And, that is exactly what the distributors of the film Skyline have done.
Now, granted, most film companies benefit from the over exposure their films get. Low-budget films can certainly gain something from the hype created, but I'm not impressed.
Instead, to me, it comes off as annoying.
However, that is not what I find unimpressive. When you look at this trailer, the first thing that jumps out is the fact that there are hundreds of ships appearing at once.
What does that remind you of?
The next thing is the flying spacecrafts are appearing and hovering over, what looks like, major city skylines.
Those two points alone should remind you of a similar film that used the same visual tactics back in 1996. The only difference is that these ships don't appear to be a mile wide. At least they don't appear to be; of course, I could be wrong.
Figured it out yet? Well, if you guessed Independence Day than you guessed right.
I honestly believe that this movie is a direct imitation of ID4 because it uses those same visual cues, but takes it in a new perspective by focusing on a small group of average people instead of the military and scientists. While this may be okay, I can't help but think that Eric Balfour's camera wielding character is similar to T.J. Miller's character in Cloverfield.
They're both running around trying to video tape the whole event as it happens.
I may be judging the movie too harshly based only by what I saw in the trailer, alien movies of this kind are a dime a dozen. There are some really interesting visuals and battles that some what give the movie a fresh POV, but how will it all end?
The plot behind the British sci-fi film Monsters is actually a little more appealing.
As far as Skyline goes I may or may not see it. Only time will tell.
Until next time!
I just realize that this whole post looks like a huge ad for the movie, Ha! Oh well, watch the trailer and make up your own minds.
Androids and Workshops
So, in January I go back up to Maine for my third residency as a Stonecoast MFA student. I'm excited to go and see all my fellow Stonecoasters and the avalanche of snow that will be waiting.
I'm especially looking forward to my workshops!
Why? Because I have worked on two stories that dwell within the realms of science fiction that interest me. On one hand I have an android, and on the other there are special powers.
I always strive to achieve some kind of theme or trait of human emotion in my stories. Some work while others do not fair so well. But, even with the ones that don't go so well, I still try to salvage it by providing the beginning of a story.
My android story is a kind of playful look at getting an interesting toy that we may not want, but eventually find a use for. I have written different versions and revised it several times; with each alteration I found a new compelling take on the story I originally started with.
It is fun to discover what new takes we can provide to the same old story. Of course, that is the job of a writer. We keep picking at something until we find something else to say about it.
Well, my two stories are as ready as they ever will be. But, before I can see what kind of reaction they'll get at the residency, I'll have to mail them out!
I'll do that later today.
Until then, I'll keep trying to write! Ha!
I'm especially looking forward to my workshops!
Why? Because I have worked on two stories that dwell within the realms of science fiction that interest me. On one hand I have an android, and on the other there are special powers.
I always strive to achieve some kind of theme or trait of human emotion in my stories. Some work while others do not fair so well. But, even with the ones that don't go so well, I still try to salvage it by providing the beginning of a story.
My android story is a kind of playful look at getting an interesting toy that we may not want, but eventually find a use for. I have written different versions and revised it several times; with each alteration I found a new compelling take on the story I originally started with.
It is fun to discover what new takes we can provide to the same old story. Of course, that is the job of a writer. We keep picking at something until we find something else to say about it.
Well, my two stories are as ready as they ever will be. But, before I can see what kind of reaction they'll get at the residency, I'll have to mail them out!
I'll do that later today.
Until then, I'll keep trying to write! Ha!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Back to the Future: The Game
That's right folks, developer Telltale Games is bringing the most beloved movie series to the next gen consoles. All I can say is it's about time!
I just watched the first film with a friend over the weekend, and now I read about this. I'm excited that it's happening. At least it will take our minds off that horrid NES game from years ago.
Yeah! You know the one.
Anyway, the game is in production and it looks very promising.
The story line is set a few months after the last film, and Christopher Loyd is set to do voice over work for his character Doc. Brown. Unfortunately, Micheal J. Fox couldn't be signed to do voice over work for his character Marty Mcfly, but it's in good hands.
More information in the preview clip!
Below is a link to a preview video from Gametrailers. Two previews videos are available; follow one to get to the other.
Live on Back to the Future!
"What the hell is a giga watt?"
I just watched the first film with a friend over the weekend, and now I read about this. I'm excited that it's happening. At least it will take our minds off that horrid NES game from years ago.
Yeah! You know the one.
Anyway, the game is in production and it looks very promising.
The story line is set a few months after the last film, and Christopher Loyd is set to do voice over work for his character Doc. Brown. Unfortunately, Micheal J. Fox couldn't be signed to do voice over work for his character Marty Mcfly, but it's in good hands.
More information in the preview clip!
Below is a link to a preview video from Gametrailers. Two previews videos are available; follow one to get to the other.
Live on Back to the Future!
"What the hell is a giga watt?"
October Horror Movies!
Well, it's October - as if we didn't know, and SyFy, The Chiller Network and AMC have been showing horror, paranormal and anything else under the sun that is October/Halloween related. What Fun!
Today I saw The Midnight Meat Train, Identity and The Reaping. Yeah, I didn't do much expect watch movies and revise a short story.
And, I was looking after my sis. (She was a little under the weather this weekend.)
I saw The Midnight Meat Train and Identity before, but The Reaping was new for me. Fairly good films. I think Midnight-Train was a good film, very creepy and visceral. It could be another title I add to my DVD collection.
Speaking of adding to my DVD collection, I recently found out the The Return of the Living Dead was released on Blu-Ray/DVD combo. Hmm.. maybe another possible grab.
Also, and this could be a fine addition to my collection, the Alien series will be released on Blu-Ray by the end of this month. Woohoo!
Since SyFy and The Chiller Network are having their own horror, paranormal, etc. marathons then I should have one too! I'll be watching my zombie movie collection during the final week of October leading up to Halloween. I have a large collection and I may not get through all of them, but I'll get through some. My favorites are on the top of the list.
So stay tuned because my next few posts will contain what I'm watching, my whole zombie movie collection, and my personal favorites.
Until then enjoy the picture below, Zombies!!
Today I saw The Midnight Meat Train, Identity and The Reaping. Yeah, I didn't do much expect watch movies and revise a short story.
And, I was looking after my sis. (She was a little under the weather this weekend.)
I saw The Midnight Meat Train and Identity before, but The Reaping was new for me. Fairly good films. I think Midnight-Train was a good film, very creepy and visceral. It could be another title I add to my DVD collection.
Speaking of adding to my DVD collection, I recently found out the The Return of the Living Dead was released on Blu-Ray/DVD combo. Hmm.. maybe another possible grab.
Also, and this could be a fine addition to my collection, the Alien series will be released on Blu-Ray by the end of this month. Woohoo!
Since SyFy and The Chiller Network are having their own horror, paranormal, etc. marathons then I should have one too! I'll be watching my zombie movie collection during the final week of October leading up to Halloween. I have a large collection and I may not get through all of them, but I'll get through some. My favorites are on the top of the list.
So stay tuned because my next few posts will contain what I'm watching, my whole zombie movie collection, and my personal favorites.
Until then enjoy the picture below, Zombies!!
Bonus if you can tell me which movie this picture is from!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Update to "NYAF - Ishikawa Rika Panel" post.
Hey Guys & Gals,
I added a Youtube link to a video I took during "Angry" Ishikawa's spotlight panel. Good times and fun memories!
Check the "NYAF - Ishikawa Rika Panel - UPDATED 10/21" post. Link is at the bottom.
You can follow the link to my Youtube Channel for several other clips from Ishikawa's panel.
I added a Youtube link to a video I took during "Angry" Ishikawa's spotlight panel. Good times and fun memories!
Check the "NYAF - Ishikawa Rika Panel - UPDATED 10/21" post. Link is at the bottom.
You can follow the link to my Youtube Channel for several other clips from Ishikawa's panel.
NY Medical Assistance Hearing
So, a couple of months ago (I believe back in June) I received a notice from the NY Medical Assistance program stating that my coverage was going to be suspended.
Their claim was that my monthly earnings exceeded the program's requirement for eligibility.
I said, no way! That has to be a mistake. Their mathematical equation for estimating my monthly income calculated a number that was twice the amount that I actually earned per month.
Making my own calculations (simple enough), the result I got was completely different. Something was way off!
I called the medical assistance office and spoke to one of their representatives. She retrieved my records; after reviewing my submitted renewal information (including copies of my pay stubs), she also noticed an error. The representative advised me that the next step would be to request a hearing. So I did.
Yesterday (10/20), I made my way down to their offices (located on 34th street) for the hearing. Since this was my first hearing, I had no idea what to expect. I wasn't nervous, but I imagined what it would be like sitting in front of a judge or case worker and arguing my case.
It was quite amusing.
When my case was called, I was led into a small room where an intermediary and a case worker sat in front of me. The case worker presented me with documents that showed my monthly and yearly earnings, while the intermediary asked me to verify the usual standard information (age, address, etc.)
The whole time I had the quirky idea that this reminded me of the interrogation scenes from Law & Order. The only difference was that the room was brightly lit and there was no Det. Stabler or Det. Benson in the room with me. Lol!
To make the long story short, the argument was that I was being paid by two jobs because I worked for CUNY, but my pay stubs were from the NY State Comptroller.
An honest mistake, but one that could have been handled more carefully. I mean, they figured out through my earnings that I worked part-time, so how could they make such a gross miscalculation?
Unfortunately, I still won't find out if I'll retain my medical insurance until a judge makes a decision on my case. They weren't able to tell how long it would take before a decision was made (go figure).
But, I'll keep my insurance as is until then. I'm still optimistic that things will remain the same.
I'll keep you posted.
Until then!
Their claim was that my monthly earnings exceeded the program's requirement for eligibility.
I said, no way! That has to be a mistake. Their mathematical equation for estimating my monthly income calculated a number that was twice the amount that I actually earned per month.
Making my own calculations (simple enough), the result I got was completely different. Something was way off!
I called the medical assistance office and spoke to one of their representatives. She retrieved my records; after reviewing my submitted renewal information (including copies of my pay stubs), she also noticed an error. The representative advised me that the next step would be to request a hearing. So I did.
Yesterday (10/20), I made my way down to their offices (located on 34th street) for the hearing. Since this was my first hearing, I had no idea what to expect. I wasn't nervous, but I imagined what it would be like sitting in front of a judge or case worker and arguing my case.
It was quite amusing.
When my case was called, I was led into a small room where an intermediary and a case worker sat in front of me. The case worker presented me with documents that showed my monthly and yearly earnings, while the intermediary asked me to verify the usual standard information (age, address, etc.)
The whole time I had the quirky idea that this reminded me of the interrogation scenes from Law & Order. The only difference was that the room was brightly lit and there was no Det. Stabler or Det. Benson in the room with me. Lol!
To make the long story short, the argument was that I was being paid by two jobs because I worked for CUNY, but my pay stubs were from the NY State Comptroller.
An honest mistake, but one that could have been handled more carefully. I mean, they figured out through my earnings that I worked part-time, so how could they make such a gross miscalculation?
Unfortunately, I still won't find out if I'll retain my medical insurance until a judge makes a decision on my case. They weren't able to tell how long it would take before a decision was made (go figure).
But, I'll keep my insurance as is until then. I'm still optimistic that things will remain the same.
I'll keep you posted.
Until then!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My NYAF/NYCC Goodies!
Well hello there!
Back for more, Aye! Well, I couldn't blame you; NYAF/NYCC was fun, and I wish I could have attended all three days. However, that's not to say that the one day I went wasn't jammed packed with things to see and buy. Keeping that in mind, this will be the last post on some of things I bought or grabbed while at the con.
What I bought or got at the con wasn't much. But, for me, they are my little treasures!
As I mentioned in my previous post the real reason for attending this year was because of Hangry & Angry. So, before "Angry" Ishikawa's signing session I purchased a few items, and had her sign one of them.
Above is a set of photos of "Angry" that I purchased, which came with a Hangry & Angry sticker.
I also bought Hangry & Angry's CD "Sadistic Dance". This is actually a great album with a lot of rock tunes. It is all in Japanese with sparse English phrases put into the mix, and honestly, it's quite addicting!
Rock on!
"Angry" Ishikawa signed the inside of the album booklet.
She wrote the English word "Angry" in Hiragana.
Now this is something that I found a little odd afterward. In Japanese, English words are actually written out in Katakana, but Ishikawa wrote "Angry" using Hiragana. Hmm... oh well, it's cool anyway!
A picture of both Hangry & Angry on the inside of the album booklet.
I still think it would have been great if both of them were there. Then I would have gotten both of them to sign it.
Next up,
I actually received this from someone who was handing them out. It's a mini art book with designs of the characters from the new anime series called StarDriver.
Don't know much about this series, but the designs look pretty interesting.
This is the actual NYAF/NYCC program guide. It is twice as thick, covering twice as many events and features!
I bought a couple of DVDs that I found through out my journey that day.
Being a big fan of the Ninja Turtles movies, at least the first two, when I was younger I found this movie collection to be a real steal.
One of the DVD booths at the con was selling DVDs for $5.99, and I found this for $10. I wish it was also $5.99, but still a bargain none the less.
For those of you that know me personally out there you know that I'm a huge zombie movie fan. So, when I found a copy of the 25th Anniversary Special Edition DVD of Zombi 2 I was thrilled. This find was a true diamond in the rough, for me at least!
Back for more, Aye! Well, I couldn't blame you; NYAF/NYCC was fun, and I wish I could have attended all three days. However, that's not to say that the one day I went wasn't jammed packed with things to see and buy. Keeping that in mind, this will be the last post on some of things I bought or grabbed while at the con.
What I bought or got at the con wasn't much. But, for me, they are my little treasures!
As I mentioned in my previous post the real reason for attending this year was because of Hangry & Angry. So, before "Angry" Ishikawa's signing session I purchased a few items, and had her sign one of them.
Above is a set of photos of "Angry" that I purchased, which came with a Hangry & Angry sticker.
I also bought Hangry & Angry's CD "Sadistic Dance". This is actually a great album with a lot of rock tunes. It is all in Japanese with sparse English phrases put into the mix, and honestly, it's quite addicting!
Rock on!
"Angry" Ishikawa signed the inside of the album booklet.
She wrote the English word "Angry" in Hiragana.
Now this is something that I found a little odd afterward. In Japanese, English words are actually written out in Katakana, but Ishikawa wrote "Angry" using Hiragana. Hmm... oh well, it's cool anyway!
A picture of both Hangry & Angry on the inside of the album booklet.
I still think it would have been great if both of them were there. Then I would have gotten both of them to sign it.
Next up,
I actually received this from someone who was handing them out. It's a mini art book with designs of the characters from the new anime series called StarDriver.
Don't know much about this series, but the designs look pretty interesting.
This is the actual NYAF/NYCC program guide. It is twice as thick, covering twice as many events and features!
I bought a couple of DVDs that I found through out my journey that day.
Being a big fan of the Ninja Turtles movies, at least the first two, when I was younger I found this movie collection to be a real steal.
One of the DVD booths at the con was selling DVDs for $5.99, and I found this for $10. I wish it was also $5.99, but still a bargain none the less.
For those of you that know me personally out there you know that I'm a huge zombie movie fan. So, when I found a copy of the 25th Anniversary Special Edition DVD of Zombi 2 I was thrilled. This find was a true diamond in the rough, for me at least!
Zombi 2, 2-disc Special Edition!
What a rare find indeed. It one of those situations where you just happen to be in the right place at the right time!
Well, that's pretty much it. Like I said before, there was so much to see and I would have liked to visit every single booth at the con, but it was really impossible. Still, I managed to get a few memorable souvenirs.
It all finally comes to an end. It sad when events come and go, and you know that it was a real great experience. But at least I have my pics and vids to remember them by. So with that my blog posts on NYAF/NYCC 2010 come to an end.
I hope you had fun reading my posts as much as I had fun experiencing them. Can't wait until next year!
Until then, keep on rocking!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
NYAF: Hangry & Angry - Ishikawa (Angry) Rika -- UPDATED 10/21/10
Hey Y'all,
Sorry I hadn't posted anything in the last few days. It had been pretty busy for me, but I'm back to continue with my report from this year's New York Anime Festival.
As I had mentioned in my previous post, there were a lot of things to see, take pics and vids of, and buy. (If the money was there to spend!) Of course, my reason for going to NYAF this year fell down to one name.
Hangry & Angry, and especially - Ishikawa Rika!
I've been a huge fan of Morning Musume for several years and remembered when Yoshizawa Hitomi (Hangry) and Ishikawa Rika (Angry) first joined the group along with the other fourth generation members.
When they graduated from Morning Musume and came together to form the Hangry & Angry, I was thrilled and amazed to see how they had changed.
I always dreamed of the opportunity to actually meet some of the members of Morning Musume, so when I heard that Hangry & Angry were attending NYAF I was excited. The only drawback was that Angry was only going to be there and not Hangry. It would have been an even greater NYAF exclusive if both members came, but knowing Angry would be there was enough for me.
So, I arrive at 11am to catch the Hangry & Angry fashion show.
The music was addicting and the fashion pieces were unique and stylish. Gashicon, the designer behind Hangry & Angry, is shy by nature but her fashion designs truly reveal a creative blend of punk, rock and the grotesque yet cute and original.
The hall was crowded with people, but everyone enjoyed the show!
Next came Angry's Spotlight Panel.
The one thing I'm always amazed by at these conventions is how complete strangers can come together and show complete joy and excitement for a single purpose, or in this case a single person!
There were more people behind this group, but these were the lucky ones who found themselves in the front right before Angry's panel. Peace signs all around!
This is such a great picture!
Another great shot!
It was great to see Angry Ishikawa in person. I felt like I was meeting someone who was part of group that I enjoyed to watch in comedic sketches and music videos.
After her panel I got the opportunity to greet her and get an autograph, which was the highlight of the day for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures or video during her autograph session. DAMN!
During the day, I stopped by the Hangry & Angry booth in hopes of finding "Angry" Ishikawa there, but no such luck. Instead, I did get an opportunity to meet and take a picture of H&A designer, Gashicon!
Peace from Gashicon!
By the end of the day I didn't get a personal picture taken with "Angry" Ishikawa, but I got to see her and that was okay in my book. She autographed my Hangry & Angry album CD, and I even got to photograph Gashicon.
All was okay with the world, Ha! It was a fun day.
Stay tuned, my next post will be on some of the things I got at the convention.
Until then, stay well!
Updated Youtube Clip
Below is a link to a clip I recorded during "Angry" Ishikawa's panel. Follow the link to my Youtube channel for more.
Sorry I hadn't posted anything in the last few days. It had been pretty busy for me, but I'm back to continue with my report from this year's New York Anime Festival.
As I had mentioned in my previous post, there were a lot of things to see, take pics and vids of, and buy. (If the money was there to spend!) Of course, my reason for going to NYAF this year fell down to one name.
Hangry & Angry, and especially - Ishikawa Rika!
I've been a huge fan of Morning Musume for several years and remembered when Yoshizawa Hitomi (Hangry) and Ishikawa Rika (Angry) first joined the group along with the other fourth generation members.
When they graduated from Morning Musume and came together to form the Hangry & Angry, I was thrilled and amazed to see how they had changed.
I always dreamed of the opportunity to actually meet some of the members of Morning Musume, so when I heard that Hangry & Angry were attending NYAF I was excited. The only drawback was that Angry was only going to be there and not Hangry. It would have been an even greater NYAF exclusive if both members came, but knowing Angry would be there was enough for me.
So, I arrive at 11am to catch the Hangry & Angry fashion show.
The music was addicting and the fashion pieces were unique and stylish. Gashicon, the designer behind Hangry & Angry, is shy by nature but her fashion designs truly reveal a creative blend of punk, rock and the grotesque yet cute and original.
The hall was crowded with people, but everyone enjoyed the show!
Next came Angry's Spotlight Panel.
The one thing I'm always amazed by at these conventions is how complete strangers can come together and show complete joy and excitement for a single purpose, or in this case a single person!
There were more people behind this group, but these were the lucky ones who found themselves in the front right before Angry's panel. Peace signs all around!
This is such a great picture!
Another great shot!
It was great to see Angry Ishikawa in person. I felt like I was meeting someone who was part of group that I enjoyed to watch in comedic sketches and music videos.
After her panel I got the opportunity to greet her and get an autograph, which was the highlight of the day for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures or video during her autograph session. DAMN!
During the day, I stopped by the Hangry & Angry booth in hopes of finding "Angry" Ishikawa there, but no such luck. Instead, I did get an opportunity to meet and take a picture of H&A designer, Gashicon!
Peace from Gashicon!
By the end of the day I didn't get a personal picture taken with "Angry" Ishikawa, but I got to see her and that was okay in my book. She autographed my Hangry & Angry album CD, and I even got to photograph Gashicon.
All was okay with the world, Ha! It was a fun day.
Stay tuned, my next post will be on some of the things I got at the convention.
Until then, stay well!
Updated Youtube Clip
Below is a link to a clip I recorded during "Angry" Ishikawa's panel. Follow the link to my Youtube channel for more.
Monday, October 11, 2010
NYAF/NYCC - Saturday
Well, I guess I will now relive my Saturday at the convention as best as I can through the images in my head and the images I have recorded. It's been two days since I went, and it is still nothing more than one big blur.
There is so much to tell, and I don't think I can remember everything. But, I will try. I arrived at about a quarter to eleven and picked up a program guide along with a floor map. The size and scale of the Javits Center was overwhelming enough, but now with two simultaneous conventions occupying the entire building, it was beyond belief.
Just moving around was a big issue because there were so many people. At every corner and section of open floor space there were people walking through or standing around.
The last time I went to NYAF was two years ago, and I thought that was crowded back then. My idea of large and crowded was dwarfed by comparison.
Of course, two years ago NYAF was the only convention being held at the Javits Center around this time. While it was large and crowded back then, only half of the Javits Center's floor space was being used.
Still, it was great to see fans, enthusiasts and supporters come out in full force. There were people of ages who came out and enjoyed a day of festive events and screenings.
Of course, the cos-players were the real attention grabbers that kept the spirit of this dual convention going strong!
The main show floor itself was turned into a mega shopping and advertising center. All the major names in comic, games and anime (within the US) were present at the con.
People flocked to these booths to get their first look at the latest merchandise available. Yours truly did a little shopping as well, but only a little.
There was so much to see that I couldn't see it all, and I only had so much money on me!
I tried to get as many pictures as possible, but in the end I only stayed in certain areas because to go back and forth between different sections of the Javits was a complete pain. Believe me when I say that I tried to keep up and go to every place, but I had my own agenda, and there wasn't enough time to get to everything. As my time slipped through my fingers, I had to sacrifice most of what I had scheduled for myself. And, as the day went on, I said "Forget it" and just went where my legs took me. Ha!
Anyway, the real reason to go to a comics and anime convention is to see what costumes were popular this year.
One thing that you can always depend on is the amount of detail cos-players put into making their costumes.
This was a real crowd grabber! I forgot which game company presented this booth; I think it was Ubisoft. Michael Jackson: The Experience for the Nintendo Wii was revealed, and it was a real crowd gatherer.
I stayed here for a while watching as several groups of people volunteered to go up on stage and dance along with the game.
It looked very addicting!
Even the Joker made an appearance! This was actually very funny because he went around dragging the beaten corpse of poor Robin behind him.
At one point the limbs started to fall apart, so being the resourceful villain that he was the Joker started putting him back together.
No convention would be complete unless someone came dressed as a character from Dragonball Z. In this case, there was a group that came fully dressed and in full makeup.
Here are Picollo, Mr. Satan (Hercule in US) and the Supreme Kai. Again, the level of detail in the costumes was impressive.
Some might say that it was simple in design, but again it was the attention to detail that counts.
Who says comic characters don't mesh with anime characters? This picture obviously proves that wrong. Here are The Comedian and Rorschach from Watchmen posing with Yoko from the anime Gurren Lagann.
Like I said before there was so much happening at once, and so many characters walking around that it was hard capturing everything. It was so overwhelming, but I managed to cover a lot of ground while staying on my two feet.
The amount of people that were present made it difficult to move around easily. So, I spent most of my time navigating around as I walked from point A to point B.
Mid way through my day my camcorder's battery died, and what made it worse was the fact that I couldn't find a single available electrical outlet.
So I had to resort to my Iphone to take pictures and video. Luckily for me the battery on my phone lasted long enough for me to get some really nice shots!
Hey, even Optimus Prime from Transformers and R2D2 from Star Wars made an appearance.
The R2D2 was an actual fully functioning model replica. You could hear the bleeps and sounds familiar to every Star Wars fan. The full Optimus Prime costume was a nice find. Again the detail in that full body costume was impressive to see!
I had almost forgot to remember that this artist was going to be there working on a new masterpiece. I happened to find him where I was walking through a section of the main floor.
This year it was a Yugioh 10th Anniversary portrait! All the main characters (Yugi, Judai and Yusei) from all three seasons of Yugioh were in the portrait.
It was too bad that I couldn't see the completed work, but at least I caught a half it! Nice!
As I was heading out and calling my day at NYAF/NYCC done I took a snap shot of the much anticipated new AMC original series poster advertising The Walking Dead.
I'm really looking forward to see this series. Oct. 31 is the debut at 10pm!
All in all, it was a fun day and very memorable. I couldn't post every picture that I took because this post would then be huge. As it is, it's the longest post so far! Anyway, I might make a video slide show of all the pictures I took, and upload it to Youtube soon.
But, it's not over yet. I still have videos and pictures of what I really went to see, and what a managed to buy at the con. So, look forward to that soon!
Until then, Laterz.
There is so much to tell, and I don't think I can remember everything. But, I will try. I arrived at about a quarter to eleven and picked up a program guide along with a floor map. The size and scale of the Javits Center was overwhelming enough, but now with two simultaneous conventions occupying the entire building, it was beyond belief.
Just moving around was a big issue because there were so many people. At every corner and section of open floor space there were people walking through or standing around.
The last time I went to NYAF was two years ago, and I thought that was crowded back then. My idea of large and crowded was dwarfed by comparison.
Of course, two years ago NYAF was the only convention being held at the Javits Center around this time. While it was large and crowded back then, only half of the Javits Center's floor space was being used.
Still, it was great to see fans, enthusiasts and supporters come out in full force. There were people of ages who came out and enjoyed a day of festive events and screenings.
Of course, the cos-players were the real attention grabbers that kept the spirit of this dual convention going strong!
The main show floor itself was turned into a mega shopping and advertising center. All the major names in comic, games and anime (within the US) were present at the con.
People flocked to these booths to get their first look at the latest merchandise available. Yours truly did a little shopping as well, but only a little.
There was so much to see that I couldn't see it all, and I only had so much money on me!
I tried to get as many pictures as possible, but in the end I only stayed in certain areas because to go back and forth between different sections of the Javits was a complete pain. Believe me when I say that I tried to keep up and go to every place, but I had my own agenda, and there wasn't enough time to get to everything. As my time slipped through my fingers, I had to sacrifice most of what I had scheduled for myself. And, as the day went on, I said "Forget it" and just went where my legs took me. Ha!
Anyway, the real reason to go to a comics and anime convention is to see what costumes were popular this year.
One thing that you can always depend on is the amount of detail cos-players put into making their costumes.
This was a real crowd grabber! I forgot which game company presented this booth; I think it was Ubisoft. Michael Jackson: The Experience for the Nintendo Wii was revealed, and it was a real crowd gatherer.
I stayed here for a while watching as several groups of people volunteered to go up on stage and dance along with the game.
It looked very addicting!
Even the Joker made an appearance! This was actually very funny because he went around dragging the beaten corpse of poor Robin behind him.
At one point the limbs started to fall apart, so being the resourceful villain that he was the Joker started putting him back together.
No convention would be complete unless someone came dressed as a character from Dragonball Z. In this case, there was a group that came fully dressed and in full makeup.
Here are Picollo, Mr. Satan (Hercule in US) and the Supreme Kai. Again, the level of detail in the costumes was impressive.
Some might say that it was simple in design, but again it was the attention to detail that counts.
Who says comic characters don't mesh with anime characters? This picture obviously proves that wrong. Here are The Comedian and Rorschach from Watchmen posing with Yoko from the anime Gurren Lagann.
Like I said before there was so much happening at once, and so many characters walking around that it was hard capturing everything. It was so overwhelming, but I managed to cover a lot of ground while staying on my two feet.
The amount of people that were present made it difficult to move around easily. So, I spent most of my time navigating around as I walked from point A to point B.
Mid way through my day my camcorder's battery died, and what made it worse was the fact that I couldn't find a single available electrical outlet.
So I had to resort to my Iphone to take pictures and video. Luckily for me the battery on my phone lasted long enough for me to get some really nice shots!
Hey, even Optimus Prime from Transformers and R2D2 from Star Wars made an appearance.
The R2D2 was an actual fully functioning model replica. You could hear the bleeps and sounds familiar to every Star Wars fan. The full Optimus Prime costume was a nice find. Again the detail in that full body costume was impressive to see!
I had almost forgot to remember that this artist was going to be there working on a new masterpiece. I happened to find him where I was walking through a section of the main floor.
This year it was a Yugioh 10th Anniversary portrait! All the main characters (Yugi, Judai and Yusei) from all three seasons of Yugioh were in the portrait.
It was too bad that I couldn't see the completed work, but at least I caught a half it! Nice!
As I was heading out and calling my day at NYAF/NYCC done I took a snap shot of the much anticipated new AMC original series poster advertising The Walking Dead.
I'm really looking forward to see this series. Oct. 31 is the debut at 10pm!
All in all, it was a fun day and very memorable. I couldn't post every picture that I took because this post would then be huge. As it is, it's the longest post so far! Anyway, I might make a video slide show of all the pictures I took, and upload it to Youtube soon.
But, it's not over yet. I still have videos and pictures of what I really went to see, and what a managed to buy at the con. So, look forward to that soon!
Until then, Laterz.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Just A Tease Because I'm Tired
Hey all, walking around non-stop for eight-plus hours straight is killer. So, this entry will be short, but I decided to give you a preview of what a saw.
Again, this will only be a preview. The next two posts will have more pics and details of what I saw and was able to attend. Let me tell you, there isn't enough time in one day to do everything you want.

It was crowded!

And, I mean crowded.
Well, that it's for now. Like I said, the next few posts will have more, so stay tuned.
Until my aching body recovers!
Again, this will only be a preview. The next two posts will have more pics and details of what I saw and was able to attend. Let me tell you, there isn't enough time in one day to do everything you want.
It was crowded!
And, I mean crowded.
Well, that it's for now. Like I said, the next few posts will have more, so stay tuned.
Until my aching body recovers!
Friday, October 8, 2010
NY Anime Festival meets NY Comic Con
Here's an interesting thought.
This is the first year that both of these conventions will be held together at the same time, and in the same space.
So, here's my question or thought.
What's the worst that can happen on a convention floor filled with Klingons/storm troopers and Naruto/Bleach fanatics?
Imagine an all out cos-play beat down war! Ha, I laughed myself silly just thinking about it.
Just picture it, 5 Naruto cos-players pretending to do ninjutsu tricks only to get shot in the face by a storm troopers' foam laser projectile.
The possibilities are endless. But, it should be an enjoyable blend of two worlds!
I'll keep an eye out just in case things turn into a comedic mash of ripped and deformed costumes. ^_^
Until next post!
This is the first year that both of these conventions will be held together at the same time, and in the same space.
So, here's my question or thought.
What's the worst that can happen on a convention floor filled with Klingons/storm troopers and Naruto/Bleach fanatics?
Imagine an all out cos-play beat down war! Ha, I laughed myself silly just thinking about it.
Just picture it, 5 Naruto cos-players pretending to do ninjutsu tricks only to get shot in the face by a storm troopers' foam laser projectile.
The possibilities are endless. But, it should be an enjoyable blend of two worlds!
I'll keep an eye out just in case things turn into a comedic mash of ripped and deformed costumes. ^_^
Until next post!
NY Anime Fest. + Comic Con
Well, I have been kind of hinting at the fact that I will be doing something note worthy very soon. It so happens that the NY Anime Festival and Comic Con has invaded NY this weekend. Three days of non-stop premiers, panels, guests and autographs!
I'm only going on Saturday, but I'll make the most of it! There are several guests that I plan on meeting and greeting, and hopefully getting my picture taken with.
I have my Saturday pass and I'm ready to go!

I'm going to make sure I take lots of pictures and videos, and I'll post a lot of what I take here during the next few days.
A full day of anime and comics madness.
Oh, and, of course, the cos-players! Who knows what I'll see this year.
Check back soon. Until next time!
I'm only going on Saturday, but I'll make the most of it! There are several guests that I plan on meeting and greeting, and hopefully getting my picture taken with.
I have my Saturday pass and I'm ready to go!
I'm going to make sure I take lots of pictures and videos, and I'll post a lot of what I take here during the next few days.
A full day of anime and comics madness.
Oh, and, of course, the cos-players! Who knows what I'll see this year.
Check back soon. Until next time!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
A New Camcorder!
This post should be short. All I have to say is that I'm excited to have my new camcorder. It's a Sanyo Xacti cg20 dual camcorder.
In other words, it takes both video and pictures! Imagine that! In terms of specs, the camcorder has a 10 megapixel lens and can recorder up to 1080i, and I believe 'p'.
High definition on both ends, Yeah! Fun times taking pics for this blog, and recording videos for Youtube!

Even though I didn't take a picture of the camcorder itself trust me when I say that it is small. It is compact and fairly light, making it ideal for on-the-go picture taking.

Well, now I'm prepared for the exploits of this coming weekend! I'll be putting this camcorder to good use this Saturday, and I'm looking forward to it!
More news coming soon, and lots of pics along with other random and not so random stuff.
Until then, I'll be working hard!
In other words, it takes both video and pictures! Imagine that! In terms of specs, the camcorder has a 10 megapixel lens and can recorder up to 1080i, and I believe 'p'.
High definition on both ends, Yeah! Fun times taking pics for this blog, and recording videos for Youtube!
Even though I didn't take a picture of the camcorder itself trust me when I say that it is small. It is compact and fairly light, making it ideal for on-the-go picture taking.
Well, now I'm prepared for the exploits of this coming weekend! I'll be putting this camcorder to good use this Saturday, and I'm looking forward to it!
More news coming soon, and lots of pics along with other random and not so random stuff.
Until then, I'll be working hard!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Rainy Days and Protection
No! I don't mean that kind of protection. The weather has been rainy and cold her in NYC, and I hear it will remain that way for the rest of the week. While I do not mind this kind of weather too much, except when it pours; my backpack can not say the same thing.

That big ugly hole has become a problem already. Honestly speaking, this Eddie Bauer backpack has been very reliable, but on severe rainy days everything inside still gets drenched. It has gotten to the the point that I have started taking extra measures to protect my stuff inside.

Yeah, I know. It seems silly, but I want to keep my things safe and dry! So, out comes the plastic bags; unfortunately, I don't have one of those laptop pouches. I know I can't be the only one who still uses a good old fashion plastic bag to safeguard their things. See! Plastic bags still have good uses ^_^

Some things are worth protecting. It's my life, man! Ha! Yeah, so that's what I've been doing to keep my things from ending up in the trash.
More good stuff coming soon! Until then!
That big ugly hole has become a problem already. Honestly speaking, this Eddie Bauer backpack has been very reliable, but on severe rainy days everything inside still gets drenched. It has gotten to the the point that I have started taking extra measures to protect my stuff inside.
Yeah, I know. It seems silly, but I want to keep my things safe and dry! So, out comes the plastic bags; unfortunately, I don't have one of those laptop pouches. I know I can't be the only one who still uses a good old fashion plastic bag to safeguard their things. See! Plastic bags still have good uses ^_^
Some things are worth protecting. It's my life, man! Ha! Yeah, so that's what I've been doing to keep my things from ending up in the trash.
More good stuff coming soon! Until then!
Monday, October 4, 2010
So Where Do I Begin?
Really, are there any hints? Not likely, I'll just start wherever I feel like it! In my experience, good and bad, that's how all things begin. Anyway, there are a lot of things rolling around in my head, and this is where I'll place them.
This is the start of something good, and I'm excited! New things coming just over the horizon, so look forward to it!
Until next time, which may be very soon!
This is the start of something good, and I'm excited! New things coming just over the horizon, so look forward to it!
Until next time, which may be very soon!
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