Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Aliens Abduct Us In Skyline

I keep seeing ads for this movie everywhere, and the trailer plays every five minutes on TV. Nothing speaks advertising - to create interest - like "shoving it in your face" until you become tired of it. And, that is exactly what the distributors of the film Skyline have done.

Now, granted, most film companies benefit from the over exposure their films get. Low-budget films can certainly gain something from the hype created, but I'm not impressed.

Instead, to me, it comes off as annoying.

However, that is not what I find unimpressive. When you look at this trailer, the first thing that jumps out is the fact that there are hundreds of ships appearing at once.

What does that remind you of?

The next thing is the flying spacecrafts are appearing and hovering over, what looks like, major city skylines.

Those two points alone should remind you of a similar film that used the same visual tactics back in 1996. The only difference is that these ships don't appear to be a mile wide. At least they don't appear to be; of course, I could be wrong.

Figured it out yet? Well, if you guessed Independence Day than you guessed right.

I honestly believe that this movie is a direct imitation of ID4 because it uses those same visual cues, but takes it in a new perspective by focusing on a small group of average people instead of the military and scientists. While this may be okay, I can't help but think that Eric Balfour's camera wielding character is similar to T.J. Miller's character in Cloverfield.

They're both running around trying to video tape the whole event as it happens.

I may be judging the movie too harshly based only by what I saw in the trailer, alien movies of this kind are a dime a dozen. There are some really interesting visuals and battles that some what give the movie a fresh POV, but how will it all end?

The plot behind the British sci-fi film Monsters is actually a little more appealing.

As far as Skyline goes I may or may not see it. Only time will tell.

Until next time!

I just realize that this whole post looks like a huge ad for the movie, Ha! Oh well, watch the trailer and make up your own minds.

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