Sunday, October 24, 2010

October Horror Movies!

Well, it's October - as if we didn't know, and SyFy, The Chiller Network and AMC have been showing horror, paranormal and anything else under the sun that is October/Halloween related. What Fun!

Today I saw The Midnight Meat Train, Identity and The Reaping. Yeah, I didn't do much expect watch movies and revise a short story.

And, I was looking after my sis. (She was a little under the weather this weekend.)

I saw The Midnight Meat Train and Identity before, but The Reaping was new for me. Fairly good films. I think Midnight-Train was a good film, very creepy and visceral. It could be another title I add to my DVD collection.

Speaking of adding to my DVD collection, I recently found out the The Return of the Living Dead was released on Blu-Ray/DVD combo. Hmm.. maybe another possible grab.

Also, and this could be a fine addition to my collection, the Alien series will be released on Blu-Ray by the end of this month. Woohoo!

Since SyFy and The Chiller Network are having their own horror, paranormal, etc. marathons then I should have one too! I'll be watching my zombie movie collection during the final week of October leading up to Halloween. I have a large collection and I may not get through all of them, but I'll get through some. My favorites are on the top of the list.

So stay tuned because my next few posts will contain what I'm watching, my whole zombie movie collection, and my personal favorites.

Until then enjoy the picture below, Zombies!!

Bonus if you can tell me which movie this picture is from!


  1. is that "Zombi 2" or "Zombie" as its known in the states?

  2. It is from "Zombi 2" or "Zombie" as it is known in the US.
