Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Squirrel Fu and the Art of Vicious Rodent

This has to be the strangest post that I will put up, but after further thought many of my posts are or will be strange!

So what is Squirrel Fu and the Art of Vicious Rodent? Come on, you can't figure that one out on your own? Doesn't the picture on the left clue you in to what that is?

Yeah, I guess my thoughts were also left to wander when I first heard "Squirrel Fu". I mean I didn't know just how vicious these rodents were until I saw a squirrel thrashing around in the grass.

Let me tell you!

That squirrel was on hyper turbo mode. I didn't know whether he was fighting with himself or trying to rip the leaves on the grass. But, it was quite a sight!

These rodents are vicious and wild when they become confrontational. They fight with raw, gritty and savage instinct. As the picture above clearly indicates, they are tooth and nail in your face.

This picture is hilarious! To the right we have evidence that even squirrels will resort to the use of lightsabers.

I wonder what kind of control do they have over the force? Their wild nature most allow for frequent bursts of immeasurable power.

I mean, I'm talking over 9000!

Some of you out there might know what I'm referencing.

In general, I believe that all rodents are vicious animals that will defend and/or retaliate against aggressors who invade their territory or take their food. However, it is the nature or way that they engage in combat that I find to be intriguing because it is formless, yet direct and efficient.

For such small mammals, squirrels display an intense and artful combination of fighting that can equal or rival most martial arts. The picture below should clearly be evidence of that.

There is something both dynamic and brutal about this picture. I found this picture a long time ago and thought it was all the rage, so it was great when I rediscovered it. I remember thinking that it had to be a digitally enhanced picture, but it looks real.

A shot captured at the moment of an extreme encounter! I would go as far as to say that this picture alone demonstrates poetry in extreme motion.

That's my take. What do you guys think?

And, if you want video proof check out the link below.

Those are some jumpy squirrels!

Maybe I'll make another post on cat fighters!
Until then, Peace!

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