Thursday, October 28, 2010

Advice I Guess or Perhaps...

I debated whether or not to talk about this, and decided to go ahead. Like I mentioned before this blog will be filled with random thoughts and things I come across. Some will be straight forward, while others pertain to the awkward moments or questions of life.

This will be a response to one of those random questions.

Recently, someone I know asked the question, "How do you mend a broken heart?" My interest was piqued because I heard various remedies throughout my years as I'm sure most people have. Sure enough, this person had some of those answers and a few unique ones.

This person always has a good sense of humor.

I guess my question would be, "Who broke it?" Now this is getting into an area where the response could touch on anything. It's far to large to discuss, and I, honestly, don't want to here because it's not the point of this post.

In the past, I have been able to look past something like this. I would just wait it out and let time continue to tick away in hopes for something better. Now, I sometimes think about whether I made the right choices throughout my life. I tend to think too much, so that isn't a good tactic.

And, I also think (there I go again!) waiting or letting too much time go by can't bring you the "healing" that you are looking for. Then again, maybe it does. Everybody functions and reasons differently. So, to each there own.

I will say this: How do you mend a broken heart?

You let someone/everyone help you to pick up the pieces. You do everything that you want! Even if it means being somewhere else to do it, then do so!

A little slice of life; although, you (like most people) already know this, but it's always good to hear someone else say it to.

That was longer than it should have been, but it was one of my circulating thoughts.  

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