Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday Randomness

Well, it's Saturday and I went briefly this morning to take care of an errand. I was dressed in jeans, a hooded sweater, a scarf and a jacket. Even with these protective precautions, the cold morning air was a little prickly to say the least!

One thing I could appreciate was bright blue skies, people out and about, and the traffic around my neighborhood. And, the exercise!

Yes,sir! Between my home and where I needed to go it was a good it was a good eight blocks. So, that's about sixteen blocks total.

I bought myself a nice breakfast after I took care of my errand. A Dunkin' Donuts' breakfast sandwich and an orange coolatta.

Tasty and refreshing for a Saturday morning!

Oh, on another note. This is my twentieth post, amazing! I didn't think I would make it this far, but I proved myself wrong.

Anyway, stay tuned because more posts are coming later today!

Until then, enjoy your Saturday!

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