Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Androids and Workshops

So, in January I go back up to Maine for my third residency as a Stonecoast MFA student. I'm excited to go and see all my fellow Stonecoasters and the avalanche of snow that will be waiting.

I'm especially looking forward to my workshops!

Why? Because I have worked on two stories that dwell within the realms of science fiction that interest me. On one hand I have an android, and on the other there are special powers.

I always strive to achieve some kind of theme or trait of human emotion in my stories. Some work while others do not fair so well. But, even with the ones that don't go so well, I still try to salvage it by providing the beginning of a story.

My android story is a kind of playful look at getting an interesting toy that we may not want, but eventually find a use for. I have written different versions and revised it several times; with each alteration I found a new compelling take on the story I originally started with.

It is fun to discover what new takes we can provide to the same old story. Of course, that is the job of a writer. We keep picking at something until we find something else to say about it.

Well, my two stories are as ready as they ever will be. But, before I can see what kind of reaction they'll get at the residency, I'll have to mail them out!

I'll do that later today.

Until then, I'll keep trying to write! Ha! 

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