Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rainy Days and Protection

No! I don't mean that kind of protection. The weather has been rainy and cold her in NYC, and I hear it will remain that way for the rest of the week. While I do not mind this kind of weather too much, except when it pours; my backpack can not say the same thing.

That big ugly hole has become a problem already. Honestly speaking, this Eddie Bauer backpack has been very reliable, but on severe rainy days everything inside still gets drenched. It has gotten to the the point that I have started taking extra measures to protect my stuff inside.

Yeah, I know. It seems silly, but I want to keep my things safe and dry! So, out comes the plastic bags; unfortunately, I don't have one of those laptop pouches. I know I can't be the only one who still uses a good old fashion plastic bag to safeguard their things. See! Plastic bags still have good uses ^_^

Some things are worth protecting. It's my life, man! Ha! Yeah, so that's what I've been doing to keep my things from ending up in the trash.

More good stuff coming soon! Until then!

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