Saturday, October 30, 2010

Zombie Movie Collection

And the posts just keep coming. I tell you that it'll keep on getting more random because it's what I want to put up.

I just realized that I could have put this as part of my last post. Oh well, that's my mistake.

Anyway, this is what I have left to look through! I know I won't get through each and every movie in my collection, but I'll give it my best shot.

As you can see, I have a pretty decent number of films in my collection. I'm sure that it'll continue to grow as I come across other worthy entries.

The bottom line is, no one can call themselves a zombie fan unless they watch and/or own these fine (in some cases, not so fine) films.

I also noticed that there was one movie I forgot to include in the picture, Zombie 3. Yeah, that one is fun to watch and not take seriously because nothing in that film makes sense.

I shall go more into detail about these films in a YouTube v-blog very soon, so look forward to that! I will also post a short entry based on that v-blog here, and a post on my favorite zombie movie. There's so much to say and so little time and space, but I'll find a moment.

Until then enjoy your Halloween and don't become zombie food! Ha!

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